OIC - Trigger Fusion SaaS ESS Job with SOAP Adapter
Sometimes we may want to build a OIC integration like this use case -
First we want to trigger Fusion ESS job, then we will retrieve the report output or related data after the ESS job is completed, and send that data to 3rd-party systems. I will cover how we can call Fusion SaaS ESS job from OIC in this post.Here are the details -
In the OIC connection with SOAP adapter, if I just use https://pod/ess/esswebservice?WSDL, I will get the following error when I validate and test,
The cause for this issue is that esswebservice?WSDL is a abstract WSDL, while I need to have a concrete WSDL.
To fix this issue, I can create a WSDL file by combining the abstract and concrete WSDL content then import the file into OIC connection like below.
When I Validate and Test, I will get successful message. I can then go ahead to create integration for my integration flow.
Hope you enjoy reading this post. Let me know if any feedback.
Adam Liu
Reference Documents -
Cloud Customer Connect
MOS Doc - Doc ID 2514265.1
WromiFcontka_1998 Christina Love https://wakelet.com/wake/L7TUzuUr-EJ0rg_oZ03y6