CX Sales - Import Management with REST API and EDLC
Import Management will become the main tool to import data into CX Sales from 20D. Based on my experiences, this tool has better throughput and performance comparing to Class Import which will be retired on 20D.
I'm going to discuss how we can use this tool to import large volume of data with REST API and EDLC. You may find it useful if you have use cases to migrate and sync large volume of data from your systems to Cloud.
To use REST API, you need to perform the following -
1. Prepare csv file (50,000 records at most in each file) and upload them into WCC.
2. From WCC, get document ID for each file in this format - UCMFA00093637.
3. Construct your payload with these WCC document IDs.
4. Submit the import jobs with tools liks Postman, SoapUI.
Note - you can submit 10 files in each job, and 10 jobs at 1 time. Therefore, you can queue up 5,000,000 records in Import Management if you have 50,000 records in each csv file.
Sample request payload in JSON
"Name": "AL-Contact-20190430-2",
"ImportMapping" : "300000080484531",
"Activate": "YES",
"DataFiles" : [
{"InputFileContentId": "UCMFA00008384" },
{"InputFileContentId" : "UCMFA00008383" },
{"InputFileContentId" : "UCMFA00008382" }
The External Data Loader Client (EDLC) is a command-line tool that is used to import high-volume flat source data files into CX Sales Cloud. This tool automatically splits a large data file into multiple smaller files to adhere to CX Sales Cloud's import volume limits (50,000 records each file), and provides a consolidated status of the submitted job(s).
Here are some useful commands -
java -jar oscdataloader.jar –h (This will list all the EDLC commands)
java -jar oscdataloader.jar listobjects -t https://url -u (This will list all the supported objects)
java -jar oscdataloader.jar submit -n abc-0305-4 -i abc-DEV1.csv -e UTF8 -m 300000114392630 -md CREATE_RECORD -o "Object ABC" -t https://url -u
(This will submit import job for Object ABC)
Thanks for reading this post and I hope it will help!
Adam Liu
Reference Documents
EDLC: External Data Loader Client (EDLC) (Doc ID 2325249.1)
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